Vyond Video Animation
Title: Vyond Highlight Reel 2024
Tools Used in Development: Vyond, Camtasia
Client: Idol Talent - Technical Content Developer contract
Challenge: Make introductory videos for 8-module Python course including advanced topics such as Advanced Algorithm, Recursion, Dynamic Programming, and more.
The videos I personally created include over 25 minutes of content and 7 storyboards. Images and scenes have been slightly altered to include in my Portfolio. Due to copyright, I cannot include the storyboards or entire videos that I created.
Title: Communication: Improve successful sales calls
Tools Used in Development: Vyond
Client: Personal portfolio piece for IDOL Academy
Context: This video follows Mayer's 12 Principles of Multimedia. I created a video to give context to the provided voiceover, showcasting skills such as storytelling, sound effects, motion paths, zooming, and timing.
Title: Body scanners are not medical devices
Tools Used in Development: Vyond
In this short Vyond video, a nurse explains explains the difference between body scanners and medical x-rays.
Camtasia Video DEvelopment
Title: The SOAR Method
Tools Used in Development: Camtasia
Time in Development: 6 Hours
Client: Personal portfolio piece for IDOL Academy
Context: Many job seekers struggle to effectively discuss their key professional accomplishments during interviews. The main goal of this video is to help job seekers answer interview questions clearly and engagingly, showcasing their unique skills and past experiences through storytelling.
Title: How to Create a Survey Using Google Forms
Tools Used in Development: Camtasia, Snaggit, Google Docs
Time in Development: 2 Days
Client: Personal portfolio piece for IDOL Academy
This video is used in my RISE course on how to make meeings more meaningful. Find more information here.
Job Aids and Graphics
Title: Steps to Make Meetings More Meaningful
Tools Used in Development: Canva, Photoshop
Time in Development: 2 Days
Client: Personal portfolio piece for IDOL Academy
In this job aid, learners reference 5 steps to make meetings more meaningful.
Image by yeven_popov on Freepik
Title: NHA Organization Structure
Tools Used in Development: Canva
Time in Development: 30 minutes
Client: New Horizons Adult Day Center
In this simple organization structure graph, volunteers at new Horizons can see everyone that works at the company and who belongs in each section. Names have not been included in this example for privacy reasons.
Title: Steps for Achieving Work-life Balance
Tools Used in Development: Canva
Time in Development: 1 Hour
Client: Personal portfolio piece for IDOL Academy
In this job aid, learners review three steps for achieving work-life balance. This job-aid was used at the end of my storyline course here to review the steps that were talked about in the course.